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As an introduction to animation, we were asked to create a GIF using a simple series of photos that we took in the classroom. Here, we learned that the key to and type of animation that uses multiple photos is to make sure the camera does not move. Something that is much easier said than done. We used to create our Gifs. Please see my GIF below.  


To familiarize ourselves with stop motion animation, we created a short video in class using sticky notes to create a photo. A bright idea one might say. That was the inspiration that Melanie and I used when creating our lightbulb. You can see our stop motion animation in the video below. We used an iPhone 6 to take the photos, iMovie to edit them, and YouTube to upload our video. 


For our final project, we were asked to explore the mutation or evolution of a topic that related to what we would hope to teach one day. As I plan on teaching Fashion, I chose to explore my wardrobe, and how it evolves through the seasons. To do so, I selected an outfit that reflected every season, and transitioned through the outfits. 

One valuable lesson I learned was that when using such a large background, almost 6 feet, you need to capture that background somehow. I ended up using a selfie stick that was attached to chair, that sat on top of a coffee table so that I could capture the entire scene. If I could re-do this project, I would like to find a better way to display a white background. Because I used a sheet, any movement that I made on it was captured even though I wasn't in the frame. In hind sight, it does give the animation some depth, but a cleaner look could have been achieved. 

Again, I used an iPhone 6 to take the photos, iMovie to edit them, and YouTube to upload the video. Within the video I added music from my previous project, Soundtrack to X, and some titles to label the seasons. 

Please find my full animation linked below. 

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