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During Phase II of EDU 210, we were introduced to two specific frameworks that revolved around the use of technology in the classroom. First, TPACK is used to identify three domains that are required for the successful integration of technology in the classroom, and their interplay. They are Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, and Technological Knowledge. SAMR is a framework that analyzes the use of technology in the classroom, and positions it as either an enhancer or transformational. 

A lesson plan that focused on online information and copyright was selected for analysis from MediaSmarts. The lesson I selected lesson focuses on the deconstruction of webpages, and the authentication of sources. It can be found here.

Through the use of an annotated PDF, I analyzed the use of the aforementioned frameworks and made some recommendations to this particular lesson. The annotations used included text, highlight and notes. Please find the annotated lesson by clicking below. To view the notes, you will have to download a copy of the lesson. 

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