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When considering the information delivered in adolescent development and learning, personal experiences and contexts will play an integral role in interpretation.

As an individual who hopes teach Career and Technology Studies as well as Sciences within a high school environment, my interests lie heavily in practical applications that are not as subjective, reflective or open to interpretation. I appreciate ideas that are whole, concrete and that can be proven. I prefer tasks that are tactile, and that involve the learner as opposed to those that would appeal to a visual or auditory learner.

As a former leadership instructor in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, I value the importance of structure within a learning environment that not everyone may agree with or deem beneficial. Further, as the program is free, I was exposed to youth from several walks of life, and had to be reactive and adaptable to what techniques would work for them. With that in mind, the youth in question were generally under privileged, and so my experience with those more fortunate is lacking and my assumptions lie with the idea that those more fortunate students would be easier to teach.

As a gay male, I understand what it is like to be part of a minority that is not openly accepted or applauded. I have experienced the disadvantages and ridicule that this causes. I understand what its like to grow up in the shadows of something that others may want you to be, and I feel like I will be able to lend knowledge to this subject specifically from an interior view. 

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