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The first assignment that we unveiled was based on a reflection of what our ideal classroom would look like, and what role we saw technology playing in it. Often times reflections can be thought of as easier than some research based assignments, but after some consideration, perhaps a research assignment would have been a quicker take. 

A lot of things needed to be considered. The last time I was in a classroom was during my own secondary experiences eight years ago. A lot has changed since then, and even if I thought something would be great in my classroom, would it actually be available? Thankfully this assignment was based on ideals. 

Further, I had to consider which classroom I wanted to design. Considering that I am a Career Technology Studies major, I had a lot of options to pick from. But eventually I settled on the sciences based on the thought that technology would lend the most assistance in this topic. 

Google Classroom was the tool used for this assignment. A copy of my reflection can be found by clicking here, or by clicking the PDF symbol below for a more user-friendly interface.

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