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Inclusive Classrooms for Gender-Nonconforming Youth

There are many stereotypes that are associated with gender, many of which are a direct reflection of gender-nonconforming youth. While we do see that androgynous individuals have higher over all self-esteem, there is a predominately negative reaction from gender conforming youth (McMahan and Thompson, 2015, p. 299). There is the idea that opinions are formed from a lack of knowledge. My philosophical approach to many controversial subjects is to inform students about the issue, allowing them to make an educated choice on their position. 

I was able to find a quick fact and tip sheet that references transgender and gender-nonconforming youth. It can be viewed here. While it is based on the state of New York, there are some key points that highlight how to create and foster a safe and inclusive learning environment. The points that resonated with me most were "incorporating positive information about gender-nonconformity into curricula" and "avoid perpetuating gender stereotypes" (Fact Sheet, n.d).  

Within the Fashion Studies class, there is particular focus on the influence of fashion and influence on culture. I was able to find a source that highlights clothing brands that are gender neutral and non-conformist. Students would be able to explore this list, and further research the brands in hopes of understanding their vision and purpose. I would also invite students to explore fashion in international cultures and see what differences exist. We would then further be able to carry out discussion that reflected on the influence of fashion on gender identity, culture, and sub cultures.


Below is a sample YouTube video that explores gender-nonconformity in relation to fashion. 


Dalessandro, A. (2015, August 31). 7 Gender Non Conformist & Gender Neutral Clothing Brands To Support Right Now. Retrieved November 08, 2016, from

Fact Sheet: Transgender & Gender Nonconforming Youth In School. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2016, from

McMahan, I., & Thompson, S. (2015). Adolescence (Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson.

‘The right to be handsome’: Clothing for gender non-conforming people on the rise [Video file]. (2014, June 25). In YouTube. Retrieved November 8, 2016, from

"The Right to be Handsome": Clothing for Gender Non-Conforming People on the Rise via YouTube

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