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Helping Adolescents Manage Difficult Problems


This chapter of the text discussed a variety of problems and grouped them into two major categories; internal and external. External problems are associated with aggression and delinquency, while internal are positioned around items like eating disorders and depression (McMahan & Thompson, 2015). Often times, these problems do not work independently, and rather are usually comorbid, and occur together (McMahan & Thompson, 2015, p.410). 


Through the class discussions, it was relatively easy to determine that as teachers we will unfortunately not have all the answers. What we did find out was that there are many resources available to individuals who are experiencing a difficult time. The common denominator between them seemed to be that those in need often want their voice to be heard, and to know that somebody is there for them. As a teacher, I think that it is my responsibility to ensure that my students can trust and have faith in me. To do this, I would familiarize myself with resources that are available for a variety of problems, while establishing myself as a safe contact within the school. 


One issue that I have a little experience with is the issue of sexual minority students, and the establishment of GSAs. I created a mock website with a variety of resources for students, parents and teachers, which can be viewed here. Most of the resources on my website are from Alberta Education, which has a variety of resources for many different topics. They include but are not limited to inclusion, positive behaviour supports, and response to intervention. They can be found under the "Education Supports" tab. 

I also found another resource resource from Alberta Health Services. It provides a full list of resources like lesson plans, digital and interactive tools and software, and prevention strategies on topics from body image and active living, to mental health and mental illness. This would be an excellent tool if I felt that there was something specific that needed to be addressed in my classroom, or in some extra curricular groups I may come to be a part of. 

Education Supports. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from

McMahan, I., & Thompson, S. (2015). Adolescence (Canadian ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson.

‘The right to be handsome’: Clothing for gender non-conforming people on the rise [Video file]. (2014, June 25). In YouTube. Retrieved November 8, 2016, from

Provincial Teachers Resource List 2016-2017. (2016, July). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from


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